If there’s one important lesson we’ve learnt from 2020/2021, it’s to ensure that your work/profession isn’t what solely defines you. With so many redundancies in the past couple of years, it was very sad to see so many people lose their ‘identities’ as a result of losing their job.
That’s why it’s so important and healthy to have a side hustle or creative outlet.
We all spend a huge proportion of our time at work, which can be incredibly draining for our creativity. Making time to focus on something other than work, can ease anxiety and invigorate our minds.
I love hearing about what my client’s interests are outside of work – sharing our interests and passions deepens the human connection. And given that we are at work for the majority of our week, it’s so pleasing to be collaborating and working with people that are more than just professional acquaintances.
And isn’t it always a wonderful surprise when someone you think you know well, reveals that they have an interesting hobby? In my last job, one of my colleagues revealed to me that she went bell ringing at her local church every Tuesday evening. How amazing is that?
So make some time for that side hustle or creative outlet! Not only will it rejuvenate your soul, it may also enrich your professional relationships and your working life.