It’s hard to believe that two years ago, working from home was still a novelty for most people. As we continue our transition into a more flexible way of working, the hybrid approach has become the new normal for many companies.
As someone that works remotely permanently across a variety of clients, it’s been interesting to discover some of the challenges that companies face when implementing a more hybrid model of working.
The biggest challenge I’ve seen is ensuring that everyone feels included, wherever they are working from – it’s essential that everyone has the same opportunity to progress their career. Before the pandemic, working remotely was treated with distrust and suspicion by many employers. Thankfully, employers now understand how working remotely can boost productivity, and therefore the impact an employee makes shouldn’t be dependent on whether they’re in the office or not.
Companies have a responsibility to make sure they continue to develop and maintain virtual connections as we continue to adopt this flexible model. I’m very lucky to have brilliant clients that provide me with all the tools, access, and information I need to work collaboratively and effectively. It’s with this support that I’m able to thrive and complete my work to the highest standard.
Although the transition to hybrid working has been a bumpy ride for some, there’s no denying that it has presented companies with a wonderful opportunity to make the workplace flexible and accessible for everyone. It has also given a lot of companies the push they need to advance their technology. As it evolves, I hope we can all continue to support and learn from each other as we discover this new age together.