I remember the first time I heard the term ‘Virtual Assistant’.
I had met with a friend of mine for coffee, and I spent most the conversation offloading my frustration with my current work life balance – long hours and a long commute had made me disgruntled.
That’s when my friend introduced me to the idea of becoming a Virtual Assistant. It was a term I hadn’t heard of before and so I listened intently. While it sounded interesting, the thought of leaving a full-time job to go solo terrified me, and so initially I parked the idea. Eventually though, curiosity got the better of me and I started to look into what it is that a Virtual Assistant actually does.
There’s a wide range of tasks that a Virtual Assistant can help with – from secretarial support such as answering phones and sending emails, to business planning and desktop publishing. Virtual Assistants can also ease the burden of laborious, time consuming tasks such as book keeping and general administration.
The great thing about Virtual Assistants is the flexibility they offer – you can use a Virtual Assistant as much or as little as you need. They can help with occasional administration work or can provide ongoing support for bigger, more involved projects.
Virtual Assistants can help small businesses save a small fortune as well – no need to worry about office space, equipment and all the other expenses associated with a full-time employee. They are only paid for the time they actually work, saving small businesses thousands of pounds every year!
I was staggered by my findings - who knew that an assistant working remotely could be such an integral part to a business?
I was sold! I hope that after reading this, you will be as well!